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CleanMate V1.0 HTML.rar

To install CleanMate on your WordPress website, you need to download the theme archive file from your Downloads section on ThemeForest. Downloaded archive will look like this 'themeforest-20981913-cleanmate-cleaning-company-maid-gardening-wordpress-theme'. Please unzip this file and inside you will find '' archive (screenshot) which contains all theme files necessary to install the theme.

CleanMate v1.0 HTML.rar

Download Zip:

Please login to your WP dashboard and go to 'Appearance->Themes' panel, over there you can use the 'Add New Theme' option to install new themes. Click on 'Upload Theme' button located at the top left corner of the screen (near the 'Add Themes' page title, screenshot) and select the '' file from your computer, now use the 'Install Now' button and if everything goes right, you should notice 'Theme installed successfully' message (screenshot), after that you can activate the theme.

To setup a child theme please first install the theme and import dummy data, instructions can be found here.Now you need to create a new folder in '/wp-content/themes/' subdirectory, you can name it 'cleanmate-child' and then add two files: style.css and functions.php.In 'style.css' file please use below code:/*Theme Name: CleanMate ChildDescription: CleanMate Child ThemeTemplate: cleanmateVersion: 1.0Text Domain: cleanmate*/above code includes basic details about your child theme, you can edit above information as you like.For the second file 'functions.php' please use this code:

Theme supports translations. To create your language translation, please download this usefull tool Poedit. Then find in languages directory cleanmate.po file and open it in Poedit.Translate appropriate texts and save the file giving it appropriate name (check here for more). For example French: fr_FR, German: de_DE, etc.The last step is setting the language in wp-config.php file. Please open it and find (or add if it doesn't exists) below line:define ('WPLANG', '');Then set your language, for example French:define ('WPLANG', 'fr_FR'); 041b061a72


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